Monday, May 2, 2016

giant 2000 year old baobab tree near victoria falls

Karen, enjoying the Batoka Gorge!

Vermiculture at the Royal Livingstone Hotel.  Thanks Lawrence, that was awesome!

600 feet above the Zambezi

Shaina, Josefine and Faith near Gorge Swing
Coffee at the Gorge

The rose Garden at Royal Livingstone

Roma Tomatoes are growing great!
Final walk-through with the guys!

Newly transplanted 'Mama's garden'

Love's Door For All Nations Village Base- Last Visit
It's Been a Blast! God Bless
Gotta end with a sunset scene! Over the Zambezi-last night!
Oregon Here We Come!

Friday, April 22, 2016

some down time!team relaxing on day off

mwansa, stanley and chris planting the new orchard! From the nursery: 2 large sweet orange, 2 large fruited mangoes, 2 avocado, 2 custard apple, one mexican apple, one papaya, one giant granadilla vine!  Several cuttings were made of a sweet lemon and a tangerine and 2 dozen or more young mangoes were potted into pots for later transplanting!

Karen and Bernard at the childrens home

class time.  Chris teaching Farming God's Way techniques out of the 'Let's Restore Our Land' book by Dan Fountain.

karen teaching about the parable of the seed
Chaco tan!

Karen potting up mangoes
putting down God's blanket! A thick layer of mulch to keep crops cool, prevent weeds and hold moisture in! 
Mwansa and Stanley planting Rape, a favorite relish green.

Miriam, with the mangoes she helped with
The finished potted mangoes!  Thanks to Scheffa as well, he did most of the work!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Safari to Chobe Park and more!

Karen and I had to leave the country since our 30 day visa was up and we didn't want the hassle and expense to filing as employees of Love's Door, as justification for staying in Zambia.  So a choice we were given was to leave the country for a few days on a safari to Botswana (a one hour drive from Livingstone)and come back in with another 30 day visa (50$ each), allowing us to stay for our remaining time here.  A good choice.  Here are some photos from the Safari...

Monday, April 4, 2016

I apologize for my neglecting the updating on this blog!  Wifi has been spotty and is always out (of course) when the power is out which is at least part of a day, 5 days a week!  we have had a good last two weeks ,  We have traveled back and forth to the village, completed teaching the first two-hour training course focused on the book "lets restore our land" which is an all-inclusive sustainable agriculture guide.  We also had a garden day, using the John Deere tractor to do a light tilling on the very weedy garden.  I'm looking forward to spending more time in the village, most wednesdays, fridays and saturdays so that we can complete the number of activities and lessons that are planned.. we still have to lay out the combination white plastic mulch with the drip-tape irrigation system on part of it.  we still have to get cow manure and compost together and incorporate this into the soil. Then there are the beds with traditional mulch. we need to step up the classes to two times a week with Mwansa and Austin the two gardeners, and Stanley, our great interpreter.  There is a need here to understand the value of mulch, so we will be spending a good bit of time on this concept.  Karen also has to focus on doing some teaching with the children, doing the Bible story and tutoring with regular schoolwork on Saturdays.
We also have the interesting situation where we need to leave the country as our first month here is up.  Instead of going through the hassle of the whole employment thing, if we go on safari in Botswana and then come back in with a new visa, we can then stay for one more month.  We didn't know about or plan for the safari to Chiobe national park in Botswana, but now that it is what we need to do for our visas, we are excited!  A Swedish couple who were here, booked the same two day-one night safari through Kalahari tours and said it was excellent and they saw many animals!  Who knows when we will be able to be back here, if ever, so its a great opportunity to go on a real safari.
Since we may be gone this next thursday and friday, we will probably head out to the village tomorrow and spend the night and wednesday out there.   Until next update, Chris

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Second week pics!

need to keep hydrated!

coach ahead of us

tarantula in mulch pile

photos from Victoria Falls

raised bed seed rows after double-digging with protective mulch on sun side.  Started out cool about 75d f. By 2 pm it was 90 or so.  A little lower humidity today thank goodness!

planting a mango tree in a likely spot!

photos from working on the base demonstration garden today
boys fishing as we have lunch

karen and Shaina weeding the demo garden

village hut